What is Massage?
Massage therapy is an ancient art form of working with the body to bring about healing and relaxation. It has evolved over the centuries to include many different modalities and techniques as many arts do. Massage is a great way to help bring the body back to homeostasis and heal underlying issues to different dysfunctions that we face in our everyday lives including: headaches, sore muscles, pinched nerves, decreased circulation, stress, loss of range of motion, imbalance, malaise, depression and injury. Massage therapy and therapeutic bodywork is a terrific way to help you regain and maintain your quality of life.
What should I expect during a massage?
When you enter the massage room, you will visit briefly with your therapist to determine what areas need addressed and what health issues you may have. You will also help your therapist understand what your goals are for the massage. After the brief interview and assessment, the therapist will leave the room to allow you to undress to your comfort level* and lie on the massage table under the top sheet or blanket. After you are comfortable the therapist will knock to make sure you are ready and re-enter the room. At this point the therapist will begin the massage. The areas of the body that are being worked will be the only areas that will be uncovered. Proper draping is a way of keeping the body covered allowing the therapist to do their job and still maintain a sense of modesty for the client. We are professionals and maintain a professional environment. We have great passion and respect for what we do and will not tolerate any unprofessional behavior from our therapist or clients.
What if I feel uncomfortable?
If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the massage session you should inform your therapist and let them know if you want to end the session. Never be afraid of offending your therapist. Remember it is your session and you are paying for it. It is your responsibility to communicate with your therapist any feelings of being uncomfortable. Your therapist may ask a few questions throughout the session to determine how you are feeling. You should be honest about how you feel.
I have heard a massage is suppose to hurt, will it hurt?
A massage should be enjoyable and not involve pain. If at any time during a massage session you feel pain or discomfort, let your therapist know. Our goal at Experience the Difference is to help you feel your best. Some areas might be a little more sensitive than others and you may feel a little discomfort during some of the tissue manipulations, but make sure you let your therapist know. Communication is key. We use a scale of 1-10. A feeling of 7 should be along the lines of, "It hurts so good." If you feel a pain above a 7, your body will start to tense up. This is completely opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.
* Any clothing that is left in tact can hinder the work the therapist is performing. The therapist goal is to help you relax and feel as comfortable as possible. We practice proper draping so any part of the body that is not being worked will be covered. Please keep this in mind as you prepare for your massage. But by no means do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason and wish to stop the session, you may do so at any time. Just inform the therapist that you wish to stop the session.
Massage therapy is an ancient art form of working with the body to bring about healing and relaxation. It has evolved over the centuries to include many different modalities and techniques as many arts do. Massage is a great way to help bring the body back to homeostasis and heal underlying issues to different dysfunctions that we face in our everyday lives including: headaches, sore muscles, pinched nerves, decreased circulation, stress, loss of range of motion, imbalance, malaise, depression and injury. Massage therapy and therapeutic bodywork is a terrific way to help you regain and maintain your quality of life.
What should I expect during a massage?
When you enter the massage room, you will visit briefly with your therapist to determine what areas need addressed and what health issues you may have. You will also help your therapist understand what your goals are for the massage. After the brief interview and assessment, the therapist will leave the room to allow you to undress to your comfort level* and lie on the massage table under the top sheet or blanket. After you are comfortable the therapist will knock to make sure you are ready and re-enter the room. At this point the therapist will begin the massage. The areas of the body that are being worked will be the only areas that will be uncovered. Proper draping is a way of keeping the body covered allowing the therapist to do their job and still maintain a sense of modesty for the client. We are professionals and maintain a professional environment. We have great passion and respect for what we do and will not tolerate any unprofessional behavior from our therapist or clients.
What if I feel uncomfortable?
If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the massage session you should inform your therapist and let them know if you want to end the session. Never be afraid of offending your therapist. Remember it is your session and you are paying for it. It is your responsibility to communicate with your therapist any feelings of being uncomfortable. Your therapist may ask a few questions throughout the session to determine how you are feeling. You should be honest about how you feel.
I have heard a massage is suppose to hurt, will it hurt?
A massage should be enjoyable and not involve pain. If at any time during a massage session you feel pain or discomfort, let your therapist know. Our goal at Experience the Difference is to help you feel your best. Some areas might be a little more sensitive than others and you may feel a little discomfort during some of the tissue manipulations, but make sure you let your therapist know. Communication is key. We use a scale of 1-10. A feeling of 7 should be along the lines of, "It hurts so good." If you feel a pain above a 7, your body will start to tense up. This is completely opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.
* Any clothing that is left in tact can hinder the work the therapist is performing. The therapist goal is to help you relax and feel as comfortable as possible. We practice proper draping so any part of the body that is not being worked will be covered. Please keep this in mind as you prepare for your massage. But by no means do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason and wish to stop the session, you may do so at any time. Just inform the therapist that you wish to stop the session.